Ádám Mihály


Member of Chamber of Hungarian Auditors, Ádám is a registered auditor in Hungary. Ádám has over 15 years’ experience and is audit director with responsibility for statutory and group audits.

His clients are small and medium-sized companies with business interests in transportation, wholesale trade and manufacturing industries.

Besides financial statements audits, Ádám has also taken part in numerous different types of engagements such as due diligences, mergers and acquisitions. He has also provided interim management services.





audit of financial statements prepared under Hungarian Act on Accounting

audit of international group reports (IFRS, HGB)

compilation of international group reports (IFRS, HGB)

accounting and tax due diligences

audit of transformation balance sheets

accounting advisory

interim management


member of chamber of auditors

certified auditor

economic degree (BGE)

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